Badriyah Djinn

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Also known as: Badryah, Badrah, Bidryah

See also: Djinn (general)

Badriyah Djinn are the most psychically inclined of the Djinn species. These entities are best used by spirit keepers who seek to boost their own spiritual abilities, like Astral Travel, Lucid Dreaming, and the opening of the third eye.

Badriyah present as humanoid beings. Most often they will appear as sage-looking beings. Their garb will be of ancient Arab, sometimes Hindu-looking, culture.

The name “Badriyah” translates to Lunar or Moon. The Badriyah Djinn are skilled practitioners of Lunar Magick.

Differentiation From Other Djinn

Badriyah Djinn mainly focus on the betterment of others to produce psychic abilities. These gifts were shared to the Badriyah from Angels before humanity existed. Once they were taught, the Badriyah went into a deep meditative state where they honed their skills for centuries. The Badriyah did this because they knew their destiny was to teach the lesser races Magick.

Badriyah are among the rarest Djinn race. They are so rare that most spirit keepers have never heard of them. These types of Djinn are also known for their secrecy and only approach those who are ready to hear their message and teachings.

The Badriyah have no social structure. Everything within their culture is collectivized. They do not have kings nor queens. The members of their societies climb and fall based on their wisdom. While there are some more powerful than others, they do not recognize this as a hierarchy. Mostly, they sit in meditation and wait for students.

As previously stated, the Badriyah are teaching entities. They differ from other Djinn for this reason. While most Djinn share abilities, it is very rare for any other Djinn to become teachers.

Powers & Abilities of the Badriyah

The Badriyah are best known for bestowing spiritual gifts and teachings to their keepers or students. For the most part, they teach White Magick. Certain abilities, like divination, spirit sight, third-eye magnification, and spiritual insight are their specialties.

Any kind of positive spiritual action can be taught by the wise Badriyah Djinn.

Specific Offerings & Spirit Care Guidelines

Offerings: Mint (leaf, dried, candy), spices (cumin, saffron, herbes de provence, etc.), coffee (brewed or beans), white sugar, black tea

Communication: Pendulum, EVP, dream-state contact, astral contact, automatic writing, sand divination (geomancy), petitioning, and candlework.

Are Badriyah a Good Match For Me?

If you are seeking to enhance your own practice and are looking for a spiritual teacher, then a Badriyah Djinn would be the perfect match for you. If you are struggling with things like meditation, Astral Travel, or any other kind of spiritual goal, they will help you immensely.

Badriyah Djinn make good single entities, too. If you do not plan on having a large spirit collection, the Badriyah would be a good fit. They get along with others well, especially Demons and Angels. They will also learn their gifts and pass them on to you.

See also:

[ I will be updating the “See also” section with links once the pages for each type of Djinn are published. ]

If you would like to try working with a Djinn companion in your spirit keeping practice, you should look at my stores. I have everything you need to begin.

If you are practicing spirit keeping or Witchcraft alone, I urge you to join the Mysticmagicks Facebook Group. It is full of practicing Witches and spirit keepers looking to help others.

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Hinn Djinn


Nasnas Djinn