Nasnas Djinn



See also: Djinn (general)

The Nasnas (NAHZ-nahz) is created from the interbreeding of a Shiqq (lesser Djinn) and a human-being. It is birthed with a one-sided body. The Nasnas only have one arm and leg, with long, undulating tails.

They are protective creatures that tend to be pitiful. When harmed, they can lash out at you with their elongated limbs.

Differentiation From Other Djinn

Nasnas are different from other Djinn mainly due to the fact that they are not fully Djinn. The Shiqq that mated with human beings are lesser creatures that barely qualify as Djinn. Therefore, these entities are closer to humans than any other type of Djinn. Although their biology may be strange, they have a tendency to sympathize with and protect humans.

Most Nasnas are terribly abused entities. They are often used by Arabic sorcerers in Revenge Spells, which is why they receive such a bad rap. In reality, they are not malicious by nature and can be quite loving.

Unlike the Marid or the Jann, for instance, the Nasnas do not have the same level of intelligence. It has often been thought they have the minds of 10-year old humans. This is likely due to their cross-species genesis.

Powers & Abilities of the Nasnas

The Nasnas are mainly kept for their protection purposes. They will also make great companions for those who tend to be drawn to younger spirits in their keeping practice. They will never be harmful unless forced or used within a ritual.

You will likely never see a physical manifestation of a Nasnas. This is because they are ashamed of their forms. But, if you do forge a strong enough connection with them, they will grace you with their presence. Just remember, if you ever want to see them again, do not flinch or act frightened in any way.

Specific Offerings & Spirit Care Guidelines

Offerings: Saffron, black tea, strong coffee, cayenne, chili powder, hibiscus oil, Michaux's Bellflower petals

Communication: Pendulum, EVP, dream-state contact, astral contact, automatic writing, sand divination (geomancy), petitioning, and candlework.

Are Nasnas a Good Match For Me?

Nasnas make great companions for those with big hearts and patience. These entities are not the brightest, but they can be some of the most fulfilling entities on a paternal or maternal level. People who keep Nasnas tend to view them as their own children and grow very protective of them.

These entities are the darker side of child spirits. So, if you work more with the left hand path rather than the right and still want to have something like a child spirit, the Nasnas will be perfect for you.

See also:

[ I will be updating the “See also” section with links once the pages for each type of Djinn are published. ]

If you would like to try working with a Djinn companion in your spirit keeping practice, you should look at my stores. I have everything you need to begin.

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Badriyah Djinn


Si’lat (Sila) Djinn