Ghoul (Ghul) Djinn



See also: Djinn (general)

Ghouls, or ghuls, are Arabic entities that mostly take the form of deceased human beings. They tend to be spotted around graves, battlefields, and around monuments for false gods*.

Feminine versions of these entities, called Ghulas, will often take the form of beautiful women. They then seduce men into marriage and feed from them like Vampires.

They may also present as donkey headed beings with large, ram-like curled horns.

These Djinn are highly susceptible to Magick and influence, which leads them to be used in a myriad of revenge spells.

*The idea of a “False God” is up to your interpretation. Arabic legends mention them appearing around pre-Abrahamic shrines.

Differentiation From Other Djinn

Ghoul Djinn do not correspond to any element, unless you consider death to be an element in your practice. This is what they embody: the spirit of death. Most Ghouls are mindless bodies with Vampiric tendencies to feed on the living. While many consider them the precursor to the classic movie zombie, they are much more than that.

Ghouls are given life from the remnants of Djinn and they inhabit humanoid bodies. This is a Black Magick process, which leads many to believe that Ghouls are the remnants of slain Shaitan.

While many Ghouls do not display signs of consciousness, some more powerful ones do. Take the Mother Ghoul, for example. This form of Ghoul takes the form of an old woman, similar to the Old Hag myth, and lures unsuspecting people in to help her. The people that fall for her trick are either cursed or killed outright.

Ghouls generally do not make good companions for spirit keepers. There are some success stories, but mostly they are used in Black Magick Revenge spells.

Powers & Abilities of the Ghoul

The Ghouls are best known for their Vampiric and Revenge Magick abilities. When calling upon them for spells, it is best to use multiples of them. They work best in tightly packed groups with a singular mission. Most paranormal researchers believe that Ghouls have something of a hive-mind.

Like the Shaitan, certain Ghouls can be manipulative. Most of those types are extremely rare and most will never encounter one. For the most part, Ghouls do not require much spirit care. As long as they have a target to feed from, they will function well without offerings and communication.

When you are in the presence of a Ghoul, you will feel a very dark energy. Most Ghouls are nothing but consumers who seek to aid their own hunger. When you feel it once, you will recognize it every time.

Specific Offerings & Spirit Care Guidelines

Offerings: n/a (as long as they have a target, they will be satisfied)

Communication: Pendulum, EVP, dream-state contact, astral contact, automatic writing, sand divination (geomancy), petitioning, and candlework.

Are Ghouls a Good Match For Me?

Likely not. Although, if you are a practitioner of the Left Hand Path, you may have some use for multiple Ghouls. As was mentioned above, they work very well in Revenge Magick. You may also use them to intimidate others, spread disease, and so forth. As far as having them for companions goes, there are better choices. Be mindful of this before bringing one into your home.

If you do decide to care for a Ghoul, be certain that you have a target for them in mind. While they can communicate, most of their nature is spent on hunting. Use them at your own peril.

See also:

[ I will be updating the “See also” section with links once the pages for each type of Djinn are published. ]

If you would like to try working with a Djinn companion in your spirit keeping practice, you should look at my stores. I have everything you need to begin.

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Shaitan Djinn