Shaitan Djinn



See also: Djinn (general)

Shaitan (pronounced SHY-tan or SHAY-tan) Djinn are the darker side of the Djinn world. While Shaitan are neither good nor evil, they do tend to have highly dark personalities. The “devil” of Islamic mythology, known as Iblis, is a Shaitan Djinn.

Shaitan mostly present as shapeless smoke or energy. They will sometimes take humanoid shape, but mostly appear as formless void. When they do present as human form, it means your bond with them has been cemented.

They are the least susceptible to Magick and human influence of the Djinn. Although, with enough skill and work, they will listen to orders. Like the other Djinn, they lack free will.

Differentiation From Other Djinn

Shaitan Djinn do not necessarily correspond to any element, although they do correspond slightly to fire. It is for this reason that I believe they are an offshoot of the Ifrit. They are often drawn into the physical world through Black Magick ritual and heavy thunderstorms.

Shaitan, along with the Ifrit, were among the first to rebel against humans. Unlike the Ifrit, Shaitan never formed a formal pact with humanity. It is for this reason that Shaitan work with humans on a case-by-case basis.

Shaitan hierarchy is strict and uniform. Lesser Shaitan will never disobey High Shaitans and so on. At the top of their royalty is Iblis, the most powerful Shaitan. He commands armies of Shaitan. And, every single Shaitan will bend to his will. It is for this reason that calling upon Iblis is necessary when caring for Shaitan.

Some believe that the Shadow People of modern mythology are actually Shaitan. While some cases of this may be correct, it is not proven in all of them. Shaitan tend to interact with humans in dire stress. Some Shadow People sightings and observances are without this needed factor.

It is important to know that Shaitan are not Demons. Both occupy different spaces within their own respective spiritual planes.

Powers & Abilities of the Shaitan

The Shaitan are best known for their Revenge Magick abilities. When calling upon them for this purpose, petitioning is the best method to use. Shaitan are also known for Wealth Magick, although it is of the Black Magick variant, which qualifies as a form of Revenge Magick.

Shaitan can be manipulative, especially if they feel disrespected. They will not be treated as slaves for you, so offerings and spirit care are necessary for these entities. The Shaitan see themselves as above humans, so appealing to a human-like nature will not work with them. They prefer something similar to worship, rather than a relationship.

A Shaitan’s presence is best felt by an atmospheric static electricity. Most people who care for Shaitan, report this feeling. Because of this, Shaitan heavily interact with electronics.

Specific Offerings & Spirit Care Guidelines

Offerings: Red wine, ashes, raw meat, organ meats, brewed coffee, black tea, black sand

Communication: Pendulum, EVP, dream-state contact, astral contact, automatic writing, sand divination (geomancy), petitioning, and candlework.

Are Shaitan a Good Match For Me?

This one is a maybe. I generally recommend Shaitan to those who are experienced in spirit keeping. Although, if you have a dark personality, a Shaitan may respond well to you. If you do not mind serving them, rather than having a spiritual relationship with them, then I would say go for it. These entities are highly particular, but serve no danger to you.

If you do decide to go with a Shaitan, make sure you abide by the offerings and communication guidelines above. These are not entities to experiment with. If you do these things, you will see their power. Their Revenge Magick is unlike any other.

See also:

[ I will be updating the “See also” section with links once the pages for each type of Djinn are published. ]

If you would like to try working with a Djinn companion in your spirit keeping practice, you should look at my stores. I have everything you need to begin.

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Ghoul (Ghul) Djinn


Jann Djinn