Marid Djinn



Also known as: Mareed, Marin

See also: Djinn (general)

Marid (pronounced MARE-id) Djinn are the water elementals of the Djinn world. Marid are neither good nor evil. Their nature is like water: they conform easily to their master's wishes.

Marid present as giant, water elementals. Mostly, they have humanoid forms, like most Djinn. Sometimes they have the elongated face, like Ifrit. They tend to appear more when the temperature is low.

The word marid literally translates to giant in the Arabic language. Their origin lies in presenting themselves as enormous entities before lost travelers. Marid would then offer water and help to those adrift in the desert.

Differentiation From Other Djinn

Marid Djinn are powerful beings who correspond to the water element. They are often drawn into the physical world through alchemical water rituals or through large snow storms or devestation.

Marid, unlike Ifrit, never rebelled against human supremacy. Marid retained their loyal nature throughout the struggle against humanity and the Djinn’s lack of free will. To this day, even though belief in them has faltered, sightings are reported by forlorn travelers in Middle-eastern deserts.

Marid are not tribal like other forms of Djinn, although they do exist inside their own hierarchy. Marid are much more forgiving than other forms of Djinn and will allow movement up the hierarchy without contest. Marid are not so concerned with power as the Shaitan are, nor are they as egotistical as the Ifrit.

Marid are just above Ifrit when it comes to ease of binding to the physical world. Also, they are more likely than any other type of Djinn to agree to a physical binding.

Powers & Abilities of the Marid

The Marid, like the Ifrit, are best known for their wish-granting abilities. They ask little in return for their power and are versatile in their petitioning. They are also highly capable wealth-drawing entities. Secret societies are well-known to call upon Ifrit and Marid when integrating new members. Marid are also capable of some healing Magicks.

Marid are kind and gentle beings. They do not take kindly to being abused, however. The Marid know the worth of the gifts they bestow. When you take advantage of them, they will withdraw from your presence.

Marid are well-known for their calming auras. Once your Ifrit is bound to you, you will see that you need less sleep, are more resilient and physically stronger, and generally more energetic.

Specific Offerings & Spirit Care Guidelines

Offerings: White wine, melon (honeydew, cantaloupe, muskmellon), mint (leaf, dried, or oil), coffee, white sugar, black & white tea, frankincense

Communication: Pendulum, EVP, dream-state contact, astral contact, automatic writing, sand divination (geomancy), petitioning, and candlework.

Are Marid a Good Match For Me?

Likely, the answer is Yes. When starting out with a Djinn, I will always recommend an Ifrit, but Marid will make a good beginner companion if you are not so concerned with activity. And, let me be clear, Marid are active entities. It is just that Ifrit may be a better stepping stone for some.

Marid also make great general companions, similar to passed human spirits. The only difference is that Marid will demand more respect. I will urge anyone and everyone who is feeling the stressors of a lonely existence to give a Marid a try. They are calm, collected, and generous for those that are generous with them.

See also:

[ I will be updating the “See also” section with links once the pages for each type of Djinn are published. ]

If you would like to try working with a Djinn companion in your spirit keeping practice, you should look at my stores. I have everything you need to begin.

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Jann Djinn


Ifrit Djinn